Guidance to Supervisors Regarding Remote Work

Guidance to Supervisors Regarding Remote Work

CCSI is developing policies to provide more guidance for employees and supervisors in relation to remote work arrangements. In the meantime, while these policies are being developed, reviewed and approved – here is some immediate guidance regarding remote work outside of NY state and the U.S.   *Please keep this for your reference*

Remote Work Outside of New York State (Updated January, 2022)

CCSI is a non-profit organization based in New York State.  We currently have a small footprint of employees based in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Florida. With so many states in the U.S. making considerable changes to their employment laws, tax laws, and other employment-related obligations, CCSI needs to monitor these changes and ensure that we can maintain compliance with these multiple-state requirements including growing our staffing numbers in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Florida.

Therefore, until further notice, CCSI is not accepting new requests for current NYS based CCSI staff to relocate and work remotely from their primary residence outside of New York State, in any state in the U.S., including relocating to Wisconsin, Georgia, and Florida.

Additionally – until further notice, CCSI is not considering hiring a job candidate if they wish to work remotely from their primary residence outside of New York State.  All “remote” job postings will be listed as “remote work in New York State”.

We will re-evaluate our plans in the 2nd quarter of this year.

If you are aware of an employee currently working remotely from their primary residence in any other state than listed above, please consult with Human Resources as soon as possible.


Remote Work Outside of the United States (Updated January, 2022)

CCSI is a U.S. employer and working remotely from a residence outside the United States is not permitted. Only for limited reasons (business related travel, etc.) and for short durations (30 days or less) does CCSI permit some employees to perform work in another country and only with permission of CCSI’s Executive Leadership Team. These limitations must still conform to that country’s immigration regulations concerning a non-resident performing work within its borders.

In order to perform work (even in a limited capacity) outside of the U.S., supervisors must consult with Human Resources to determine the feasibility of permitting the remote work from that country’s location, before the travel is reviewed and approved by the CCSI’s Executive Leadership Team and work is performed.

CCSI oversees such arrangements to assure compliance with the considerable legal, tax, and other employment-related obligations for both the individual employee and CCSI. If an employee changes work location, such change may also draw a need for different personal health care coverage, foreign worker’s compensation insurance, and other business licensing and registrations. 


Supervisors should contact their CCSI HR Business Partner to determine eligibility for any of their workers who are impacted by travel restrictions, government-mandated stay-at-home orders, and or other government-imposed orders related to COVID-19.

If you have any questions, please contact: Shaunta Collier-Ranking, Director of Human Resources at 

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