How to Change Your CCSI Domain Account Password on the CCSI Network


Information on how to change your CCSI domain account password.



Windows 10:

You should have received automated password expiration emails in your CCSI email (  If you are unsure on how to change your CCSI password please follow these instructions.

Instructions to change your CCSI Domain Account Password:

  1. Location Based info:

    1. For Syracuse Staff: Go to 1033 West Fayette Office and connect to the network (wired or wireless [Corp])

    2. For Rochester Staff: Go to 1099 Jay St Office and connect to the network (wired or wireless [Corp])

  2. Log into your computer

  3. After you log into your computer press the CTRL + ALT + DEL keys

  4. From the menu select Change a Password


5. Then enter your current password, and you will need to enter your new password two times to make sure it is typed correctly


  1. When entering your password the minimum requirements:

    1. 15 Characters: 1 Uppercase, 1 Lowercase, 1 Number, Change a minimum of 4 characters, and strongly recommend 1 special character: `~!@#$%^&*( )-_=+[{]}\|,<.>/?

    2. Can't be a password used the last 24 times

    3. Advice: 

      1. Secure Password Example:

        1. current password: Th1sEx@mple1230

        2. new password: Next_Ex@mple9687

      2. When creating a password the most secure passwords are actually phrases:

        1. example: My kids are 2 annoying!

        2. In the example the password is 23 characters long! A very secure password but at the same time really easy to remember

OneDrive & Teams:

CCSI Staff that are setup with one drive, after changing your CCSI Domain Account password you will be prompted from OneDrive to update your OneDrive Password.

OneDrive Instructions:

1. You will be prompted from OneDrive to change you password


2. Follow the on-screen instructions to sign into your Microsoft Account with your CCSI username (example: and password.

3. After successful login, your account with be updated and OneDrive will continue to sync.

Teams Instructions:

1. Teams application may also prompt you to re-login to update the new password.

2. Follow the Teams prompts to update your password. 

Smart Phone Email:

If you have CCSI email on your smart phone you should be using the Microsoft Outlook App.  The Microsoft Outlook App will prompt you to re-login once it has detected the password change (can be a few hours from when you change your password).


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