NYSCIT.org One Time Code MFA Process


This article outlines the process to enable and utilize MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) in order to access the NYSCIT.org website. MFA improves site security and mitigates the risk of unauthorized access.



This article outlines the process to enable and utilize MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) in order to access the NYSCIT.org website. MFA improves site security and mitigates the risk of unauthorized access.


Detailed Information

To initiate the MFA process you will need to sign into the NYSCIT.org website after which you will be prompted to setup the account MFA.

  1. Access the NYSCIT.org page and click the "Account" menu at the top right hand of the page.
  2. Select "Login" from the drop down menu
  3. Enter your NYSCIT.org "Username or E-mail" and "Password" and then select "Login"
  4. At the "Choose the 2FA authentication method" select the "One-time code sent to you over email" radial button.
  5. Click the "Next Step" button.
  6. At the "Setup the 2FA method" screen choose either your user email OR a custom email address you have access to.
  7. Click the "I'm Ready" button.
  8. After a short time you will an email from "NYSCIT Portal" containing your confirmation code. Copy the code from your email.
  9. Paste or enter the confirmation code into the prompt on the NYSCIT.org website.
  10. Click the "Validate & Save Configuration" button.
  11. At the next prompt click the "I'll generate them later" button.
  12. MFA setup is complete!
  13. Any subsequent logon attempts to the NYSCIT.org website will require you to enter the MFA confirmation code in addtion to your username and password. 




Article ID: 133394
Wed 7/21/21 1:30 PM