CCSI Password Guidelines


CCSI Password requirements, expiration details, and instructions on how to reset your CCSI


Detailed Information

Password Guidelines

This knowledge base article is designed to assist you with password management.

The guide will walk you through through the following:

  • How long passwords are valid

  • How you will be notified when your password will expire

  • How to change your password before it expires

  • How to get additional assistance

Password Expiration Date:

  • Passwords are set to expire every 90 days. 

  • You are notified 14 days in advanced via an email notification and pop-up notifications.

Password Expiration Reminder:

Below is an example of the Password Expiration Notification email:

  • CCSI IT Department sends out an automated notification email 14 days before your password is about to expire from  ​

  • You will receive the email every day until you change your password, or your password expires.

Password Expiration Email

Below is an example of the Windows Password notification (CCSI Laptops Only):

  • Windows will remind you 14 days before your password is about to expire​

  • Typically this reminder will pop-up when you first log into Windows​

Below is an example of the Office 365 Password notification:

  • Windows will remind you 14 days before your password is about to expire​

  • Typically this reminder will pop-up near your profile initials or picture.

  • Office 365 pop-up offers a helpful link to change your password (Self-Service Password Reset Enrollment Required)

Office 365 Password Reminder

enlightenedNOTE: It is important to change your password before the expiration date.  Once your password expires you will lose the ability to access email, network resources, websites like Workplace and for some staff, VPN and Jabber.

Options for Changing Your Password:

  1. Change your password on the network while in the office (Jay St or Rockwest) or on the VPN (select staff):

    1. Link for instructions to change your password on the network

  2. Change your password remotely or off the network through Office 365:

    1.  Step 1: Enroll in the Self-Service Password Reset Program

      1. This is a link to the knowledge base article with instructions to enroll in the Self-Service Password Reset program

    2. Step 2: Reset your password

      1. Link for instructions to change your Password Online

        1. Important when resetting your password online for CCSI laptops: 

          1. The CCSI Laptop sign-in password, will not update your laptop until the laptop connects to the CCSI network (Jay St or Rockwest) or through VPN (lock and unlock your laptop to force it to update). 

          2. Devices require the network to sync the password. 

            1. So after updating the password online, your laptop will still use the old password but your CCSI account for email, workplace, etc.. will use your new password.


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Information on how to change your CCSI domain account password.
Instructions for how to enroll into Self Service Password Reset.
Office 365 – Self Service Password Reset Instructions

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